Karen Oliver works for IFI's Columbus Ministry. Although there is not a way to donate to Karen Oliver's ministry directly, you can support the ministry of IFI Columbus by donating to Columbus ministry projects on this page.
Become a World Changer with a monthly or one-time donation to support the IFI Columbus Ministry Fund.
Your gift (of any amount) helps us to reach more international students, equip new & veteran volunteers, host cultural celebrations, and much more! A $50 monthly commitment or a $600 one-time gift helps us impact one student in significant ways. This season would you prayerfully consider giving generously gift to the IFI Columbus Ministry Fund?
While we’re grateful for your generosity toward individual IFI staff, all gifts on this page go directly to the IFI Columbus Ministry Fund.
Support our local IFI staff members here.
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MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO “International Friendships, Inc.” and mail to:
International Friendships, Inc.
PO Box 933319
- Donate your gift at every.org
- Send an email to informing us of your donation and your preferred ministry designation.