My name is Neema Mwakatobe, I am from East Africa (Tanzania). I came to this country five years ago to study Physical Therapy Assistance and I just graduated from the program this year (I thank GOD for that). I like learning different things such as cultures, languages, and etc. I love traveling, hiking, singing, and making friends.

I speak 4 languages so far and I´m still willing to learn more languages and as you can see, you might find some errors or misspelling in this blog and that´s because I have an accent in writing too. Things that I enjoy doing the most, hanging out with my friends, making new friends, singing, and learning more about God.

This is my first time writing a blog so I´m not really used to this but that´s all I got for now and looking forward to learning more and hopefully you will be able to see a blog without writing accent. Be blessed you all.