Praise the Lord who is full of love and mercy and is faithful to all that we have committed to Him! I praise the Lord that in His great mercy he exposed my weakness and showed me that I cannot do anything for Him by my own strength. Even if we want to do good or be perfect or just simply be obedient to Him. We can sometimes give ourselves so much pressure but all that the Lord wants is for us to simply trust in Him. Trust that He is faithful and that He is going to complete the Work that He already started in our hearts.  He taught me recently in 1 Corinthians 3:12-15 that our work for the Lord will be tested and it’s only that belongs to the Lord that would stand to the test.  When we stopped trusting ourselves and our own strength to serve the Lord. It’s when we lay down our own desires and passion and allow the Spirit to work in us, that the Lord would work in and through us to complete His good works!

Just simply trust in Him is a lesson that we all need to learn 🙂