Is salvation a gift?

Salvation is a gift and as custom demands, you can either accept or reject a gift. But someone will ask,

“Why do I feel like there is a condition attached to it?”

The act of confessing Christ is not a condition but it’s a way of saying thank you and I duly accept this gift of salvation. For instance, in all human cultures, you have to accept a gift from someone and show appreciation for the gift, that is exactly what the confession stands for.

But is Salvation really free?, How free is free?

Has someone ever given you a gift before? Did they request money or something in return? or, Did the person take back the what he/she gave you? If so, then it is not a gift. A gift is given and never taken back and at the same time, you are not required to pay anything in return. The Bible says God is not a man that He should lie. A genuine gift comes with no strings attached or requesting for payment in return and that is how God’s gift of Salvation is.

But is the Gift of God’s Salvation eternal or forever?

Yes, I believe the gift of God is forever. No one gives you a gift and comes back for it hence God does not take back His salvation after He has given it to us. Remember the Bible says in the book of Romans 5:8 that God demonstrated His love for us that even when we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. So, even before we made the decision to accept Christ, the Salvation of God was already waiting for you. The only thing we have to do is to come to the light or understand that Christ loves us and acknowledge Him in our lives.