Today I would like to share one of the biggest lesson I have learned in life. The lesson is never take anything for granted. The more I continue to live, the more I come to realize that I’ve been living my life taking things for granted and when you come to realize that is when is too late and you cannot do anything about it. As we live may we learn to appreciate every thing that God has blessed us with. Don’t take anything for granted, that could be a friend, a family, or even yourself, learn to be grateful for what you have for not every one have what you have.

Lately I’ve been complaining a lot about what I don’t have and asked God why doesn’t He provide that for me and one thing God told me is ” Why don’t you stop complaining about what you don’t have and start appreciating everything that you have and I who is able to do all things will be able to give you more” Then I looked at myself and I could see that every part of my body is good, I have all senses, I have all parts of my body so why am I still taking these things for granted, isn’t enough for me that I am alive and able to breath this air for free? How many people are using ventilator right now? how many people are laying in the hospital right now? and here is me complaining about this one things that I don’t have.

May we learn to focus on God and thank Him for what He has done for us and He already knows our need and He will provide for us when the time comes. Let stop complaining and taking things for granted and I hope that you’ve learned something from this blog and may God’s peace be with you all!