Quick thanks to our “Just in time” God

Hello readers! This July and August are the two busiest month for all ISEEDers and Volunteers because we host three events for OSU’s students: Welcome Picnic, Welcome Party and Family hosting for new international students. We have been planning, asking for donation requests for these two welcome events since June. We all prayed that God will provide all of food donations from restaurants, prizes from many stores, and enough numbers of volunteers and He answered to our prayers. I see many positive responses and willingness to help from stores that Samanta and I visited to request for donations to both of our events.

During the Welcome Picnic event at Highbanks Metro Park, one of my duties was to pick up 100 donated pizzas from the store. It was freshly baked and right just in time, the transportation back to the picnic was good, and the weather was cleared by the dinner time. (Before that it was rain like cats and dogs) I truly believe it was God our backstage helper. Sure we all give thanks to our “Just in time” God for the Welcome Picnic and we trust that He will do the same thing for our Welcome Party next week.

I also gave thanks to God for the answered prayers for the host family who can host me until the end of this year. I was worried about that and trying to figure things out based on my ability and thinking. I shared this with of the good friend of mine who encourage me to trust God and pray. The friend was right – I prayed and I feel relieved and yes He answered my prayer “Just in time”. Also, back in Thailand at the same time, my good friend from church had concerns about her tuition fee. I encourage her to trust God and Pray about it and of course, God comes “Just in time” to help her out. The friend, during her prayer, she got a call from one American missionary who God telling her to help my friend’s tuition fee. My friend was stunned by the power of the prayers, me too! We all are not perfect as Him, Still He loves us anyway.