Before coming to the US, Navya was asked by a friend to help start a monthly workshop in India with the vision of seeing young girls boldly share God’s love through their talents and service.

Although Navya did see God at work in the girls’ lives, she began to feel defeated over time. Regular attendance was difficult to maintain despite her and her friends’ efforts.

When she came to the US in 2019 to pursue her masters in Computer Science, Navya experienced extreme homesickness. Thankfully, she was invited to a local IFI gathering. “Every week I used to wait for IFI Fridays to have fellowship and make more friends to get over my situation.”

Soon, she started to realize a difference between her efforts in India and IFI’s meetings. She saw how the IFI leaders relied on God to bring students to the gatherings. Their belief in what God could do was not limited by what they thought was possible.

“When I came to IFI, I saw them conducting gatherings EVERY WEEK… I saw students from different backgrounds opening themselves spiritually to know the living God.”

“I realized the power of God has no limits,” says Navya.

Earlier this year, Navya and a friend were challenged by an IFI leader to pray regularly for their campus and for specific people to come to IFI events. God brought an increase in attendance and interest since that time.

Navya shared the things she has been learning with her friends back in India who organize the girls workshops. “They are encouraged too. And we are expecting greater things from God.”