Zifei, a Chinese logistics management student, was excited to learn to cook American food. After discovering IFI at a welcome party in Columbus, Ohio last year, she joined IFI for apple pie making in the fall. Slicing apples and rolling dough was a new experience, but what made the biggest impression on Zifei was the kindness and patience of the people.

Baking apple pie

When she was invited by another student to attend an IFI Bible discussion, Zifei felt welcomed saying, “I did not know many things about God before, but I was interested in different religions. IFI members were helpful when I had questions about God during the Bible study.”

“I did not know many things about God before.”

This spring, Zifei attended IFI’s spring break trip to New Hampshire. One morning during breakfast, the host family mentioned their relationship with Jesus. This opened a conversation between Zifei and Florence, an IFI Campus Minister. When Florence shared her testimony, Zifei came to tears about the fact that the God of the universe seeks to connect with her too.

As they were traveling home, Zifei was full of questions for Florence. Now, she reads the Bible daily and investigates her new life with Jesus as part of an online group. Zifei continues to open up to receive God’s love, healing, and friendship.