Sarah Wu

Friendship and support from followers of Jesus helped Sarah through stressful times and toward a life of serving others.

Sarah came from Taiwan to the U.S. for her PhD in 2010. Her adjustment and studies were very difficult, and stress overwhelmed her. When she failed her PhD qualifying exam—again, she “felt worthless and helpless. I considered suicide.”

“A friend who followed Jesus prayed for me, ‘Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?’ (Matt. 6:26)

“Tears fell. A Heavenly Father cares for me!”

Although she knew little about God, Sarah joined a Chinese Bible discussion, attended a local church, and eventually joined the family of God through baptism.

When Sarah moved to a university in Ohio for work, she immediately Googled where she could find a community of followers of Jesus, and God led her to IFI.

“A sense of belonging—a place that’s safe and supportive—is so important for internationals to know they can survive and thrive.”

She met IFI volunteers who—like her—were newly married. “In their small group, I could practice English, experience American culture, make friends, and discuss the Bible. They cared about me and helped wash away my stress. I belonged.”

Today, Dr. Sarah works at Kent State University. She impacts international students’ lives through her academic work and her local Chinese church.