Viviane Kirezi

National Training Assistant

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I came from Rwanda in 2013 as an international student. After putting y faith in God at the end of my freshman year, I got involved with different faith based students fellowships on campus, that were multicultural. It became clear that I was called into serving as that college experience led me to desire to learn more about serving  in the context of different faiths and cultural backgrounds.

Ways to partner

I need your prayer and financial support as you and I (and the IFI team) partake in sharing God’s love to international students. All gifts are highly appreciated, and monthly ones are particularly needed as I continue this ministry journey.

Prayer requests

  • For humbleness and obedience as God fulfills Philippians 2:13 in me.
  • For God’s wisdom and equipment in my journey.
  • To be a blessing to my international friends as a friend.

For ministry updates and prayer requests (for me to pray for you) please email me at

Thank you so much, may the Lord richly bless you!

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